The results indicate that these discrete transmission peaks can be used as multi-channel filter with high Q value. 结果表明,利用消逝波的这种传输特性,可以设计高Q值多通道滤波器。
All filter Q value is constant, the ripple minimum. 所有滤波器的Q值恒定,纹波极小。
The closed-loop control strategy for instrument and Q value were researched. 同时对仪表的闭环控制策略和Q值进行了研究。
Analyse of Q value and its related parameters in Chinese myopia population for corneal laser refractive surgery 国人近视屈光手术人群Q值的相关因素分析
This device have higher Q value and bigger power capability. Furthermore, the fabrication of the filter is very easy. 该滤波器具有调谐准确,Q值高,功率容量大,易于实现等优点。
It is feasible to identify unfrozen and frozen-thawed tilapia according to the limited Q value of30%. 以Q值30%为界限,快速鉴定冰鲜罗非鱼和解冻罗非鱼是基本可行的。
The radius of anterior and posterior corneal surface, central corneal thickness and Q value of anterior and posterior corneal surface are obtained. 测量了角膜屈光手术后人眼角膜前后表面的生理数据。
The Q value of sedimentary rock is one of them. 沈积岩的Q值就是其中之一。
Q value analysis of a first-order ⅱ R microwave photonic filter based on SOA 基于半导体光放大器的一阶ⅡR微波光子学滤波器及其品质因素分析
Investigation and Analysis of Q Value of Corneal Anterior Surface in Jiangxi Myopia Population for Laser Refractive Surgery 江西近视激光手术人群角膜前表面非球性参数的调查和分析
It was analyzed how the photonic crystal periodicity and liquid thickness affect the Q value of the sensor. 文章分析了传感器Q值与光子晶体周期数及被探测液体厚度之间的关系。
Fe-based amorphous cores and strong anti-saturation, a sense of high, Q value is high, good temperature stability. 铁基非晶磁芯抗饱和能力强,感量高,Q值高,温度稳定性好。
The coil turns increases Leff will increase, the Q value and resonance frequency SRF will drop; 线圈圈数增加,Leff增加,Q值和自谐振频率SRF下降;
Meanwhile the test data of high Q value band-pass filter is given out. 同时,还给出了高Q值窄带带通滤波器的测试数据。
The relationships between Q value, high order aberration and contrast-sensitivity function were analyzed. 分析时段为术前及术后3月,分析手术前后角膜非球面因子Q值分布,Q值与高阶像差以及高阶像差与对比敏感度的关系。
This paper outlines some problems facing the research on the Q value. 本文概括地介绍了当前Q值研究所面临的问题。
Seismic velocity, Q value and electric nature structures of the crust and upper mantle; 地壳上地幔速度结构、Q值结构和电性结构;
Analysis on bake temperature shows that higher bake temperature leads to higher Q value. 对Bake温度的研究表明,在最佳Bake温度范围内,高的Bake温度能得到相对高的Q值。
The results indicate the source coil with a higher Q value will exhibit a higher power coupling efficiency. 模型的分析和计算结果表明,增加感应耦合等离子体源线圈的Q值有利于改善功率耦合效率。
This paper presents a new numerical method, which is based on boundary element method ( BEM), for the computation of resonant frequency, external Q value and field distribution of the waveguide loaded cavity. 本文基于边界元法(BEM),提出了一种新的计算波导加载谐振腔的谐振频率、外Q值和场分布的数值计算方法。
A high Q value positive band-pass filter is designed and the experiments proved its possibility. 设计出一个高Q值的无源带通滤波器,实验证明了设计的可行性。
The losses in the converter and the calculation of Q value; 变流器的损耗和Q值计算;
Author designed a high Q value auto tracing sampling filter for signal detection of weak light level. 作者用采样滤波器制成了用于弱光信号检测的高Q值自跟踪采样滤波器。
The influences of length, dispersion index and attenuation index of transmission fiber and incident optical power on BER ( bit error rate) and Q value of the system is analyzed. 仿真研究了传输信道和光功率对光码分多址系统性能的影响,分析了传输距离、光纤色散系数、光纤衰减、入纤光功率等与误码率和Q值的关系。
By combining simulation test, the causes influencing on Q value are found. The equivalent loss resistance R of series resonant circuit is studied and a new opinion is presented. 结合模拟试验,找出了影响Q值大小的原因,并对串联谐振回路中的等效损耗电阻R做了详细的研究,提出了新的看法。
Furthermore, the influence of structure parameters on Q value are analyzed. 进而对微腔结构参数对Q值的影响进行了分析。
The change of the Q value is used to evaluate the contribution of newly-expanded vertices to current seed group. 算法用它的改变值来评估新扩展节点对当前种子集合的贡献。
In addition, this paper analyzed the effect of quality factor Q to load current in detail and gave a formula, which can calculate the minimum pulse density under a certain Q value. 详细分析了品质因数Q对负载电流的影响,并给出了计算公式,利用此方法可以计算出一定Q值下的最小脉冲密度。
But throughout the anti-collision algorithm, to determine the Q value is the most critical aspect. 而在整个防碰撞算法中,Q值的确定则是最为关键的一环。
First the real VSP data should be preceded wave field separation and the direct wave should be extracted. Then this paper chose a proper algorithm of Q value inversion. 首先对实际的VSP资料进行了波场分离并提取了直达波,然后选用了合适的算法进行了Q值的反演工作。